Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Your Period is a Cause For Celebration?!

So I wake up this morning with horrible cramps and realize that AF is finally coming a day late. I go to the bathroom and realize that with all of my obsession over OPKs and ICs, I've forgotten to stock up on my AF necessities. I run over to Walgreen's to pick up pads, tampons and cramp drugs. I also see they are having a sale on Ghirardelli Chocolate of course, I need those, too. I get to the check out and the lady ringing me up says, "You've got a nice combination there." I kinda chuckled and said yeah. Then she says, "You're just having yourself a little period party...good for you!" It was so stupid that I started laughing and was STILL laughing when I got into my car. Had I been able to think on my feet this morning, I should have invited her to come! I guess I missed the memo that your "time of the month" is a reason for celebration! LOL!

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