Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Somebody Get Me An Umbrella!

It sucks to be poor! We aren't living in an alley, but we are just like the average American couple working and having nothing to show for it because the majority of our income goes towards paying bills. My husband, like many others, has been laid off twice in as many years. He always lands something else soon after because, God bless him, he is the HARDEST worker I know, and employers see that in him.

When we finally began coming to terms with the fact that there was something wrong in the "Baby Making" department, we knew we were venturing into uncharted (and expensive) territory. We knew that once he found a job that offered insurance, and once it was insurance we could actually AFFORD without having to eat Ramen noodles for every meal, we would find a doctor.

In March, the insurance FINALLY came. I found a doctor (I'll refer to her as Dr. K) who I was really comfortable with and it was as if the storm clouds were finally parting to let a little sunshine through. She took one look at me and said, "You've got belly fat around your midsection...a spare tire!" Gee thanks, Doc! I know you're pointing out the obvious but you should at least take me out to lunch before an observation like that! She soon filled me in that this is a clear cut sign that there IS a reason I haven't been able to get pregnant. She diagnosed me with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS.)

I don't want to bog you down with the details of PCOS...I had never even HEARD of it before I was told that I have it. There are many different signs and symptoms with the condition, and here's a great website if you'd like to know more or think you might have the same thing: http://www.pcosupport.org/

Long story short: When it comes time for my little eggies to move on down the fallopian tube highway, they just stay there, become cysts and eventually "pop!" No eggs in the fridge, no bun in the oven! Bottom line is that PCOS is a big ole cluster of issues that are keeping me from getting pregnant. Kris had all of the *ahem* manly tests done and he's at optimal baby making level, so at least the problems only lie with me.

Dr. K said there would be several different things we would try. She said "When you get pregnant" not "If you get pregnant" which was unexpectedly emotional for me. I was ready to jump in with both feet. Then, of course, the bottom fell out again. Kris got laid off. We lost our insurance. Cue the storm clouds...

Right now we're just living month to month, in regards to EVERYTHING. So far, we've only been able to work with Dr. K for 3 months, which really sucks. I was so stoked to move forward. And it's irritating when people tell me, "Oh, once you quit trying, it'll happen!" No, it won't. I know you're trying to make me feel better but it doesn't. We are pretty much 100% guaranteed to NOT get pregnant without help. Now is just a matter of trial and error...and errors sure are EXPENSIVE!

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