Thursday, July 29, 2010

You Know You're TTC When...

I totally stole this, although I wish I could take credit for it because it is so funny and SO TRUE! I am the member of a WONDERFUL website( that acts as a support group, a sounding board, a therapist, and so much more, and this is stolen directly from their site! I just picked the ones that were most relevant to me. And I made a few changes for my non-TTC buddies reading this! Those of you who HAVEN'T struggled with TTC may not appreciate this, but please know, all of it is 100% true in my world! LOL! Enjoy!
You Know You're TTC When...

*The Big 'O' no longer refers to orgasm, but instead to ovulation.

*It no longer strikes you as the least bit odd to check out at the pharmacy with both home pregnancy tests(HPTs) AND tampons in your cart.

*You schedule your social events around your ovulation day. If your ovulation predictor kit(OPK) comes up +, you cancel all social engagements that night so you can "Baby Dance"(BD) & lie with your legs elevated and butt up in the air afterwards(for AT LEAST 30 minutes!)

*You talk using mysterious acronyms that only your TTC buddies understand: ttc, BD, ewcm, bbt, opk, 2ww(POAS, BABYDUST, AF, BFN, BFP...I could go on FOREVER! Lol!)

*Your morning motto is: "Don't talk to me until I've taken my temperature!"

*You put off buying clothes for the upcoming seasons because you're hoping they won't fit by the time the weather changes.

*The thought of nausea makes your heart skip a beat.

*You refer (and think) of your husband, not as his real name, but as the letters DH(dear husband) in real life.

Hope you all got a chuckle thinking about me being even crazier for doing all of these things! LOL! Until next time...

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